
Wednesday 2 December 2020

Some 'Honours of War' Action

Now then. I will be the first to admit that my last post wasn't the most exciting I have ever written. Unfortunately, my actual gaming exploits have been very limited of late. However, over on the Honours of War website some rather more dedicated gamers have been developing and playing out a number of excellent scenarios, which deserve a wider audience. 

Furthermore, here in the UK, today is the first day of an easing in our lockdown, and it will be possible for some face to face gaming to re-commence (depending on which tier you're in). So perhaps a bit of inspiration wouldn't go amiss. Therefore, here are links to two particularly good recent scenarios which I heartily recommend.

Now there's an original title for an 18th century wargaming scenario. This is a clever and interesting gaming idea for any Horse and Musket wargamer, and the colourful map below should certainly whet the appetite. Follow the link above for a full explanation.

Enthusiasts for the War of the Austrian Succession have long been using HoW for this conflict, and with considerable success. As you can see from the map and the many accompanying photos posted on the forum, this is a big battle game featuring lots of figures on an impressive table. It all looks tremendous fun, and should provide inspiration for any Horse and Musket gamer.

Both of these posts contain all the detail you need to re-create the featured battles. It's great to have such top-quality input continuing to appear on the HoW site, and I want to thank both of the gamers concerned for their enthusiasm and for their spirit of sharing with other wargamers.

The Medetian Wars
To my shame, I have completely missed this excellent blog until now, and so as a belated tribute I wanted to draw your attention to this lovely looking game from 2017. It certainly inspired me. I have added the blog to my blog list and will be checking it regularly. As well as the games, it was wonderful to see some wonderful RSM SYW figures painted to a much higher standard than I ever managed, and beautifully photographed.



Jonathan Freitag said...

Two fine examples of the work being posted on the HoW forum.

Steve J. said...

Two very nice scenarios, with the former being able to cross over to different periods quite easily. Let's hope FtF gaming can resume in the Spring and we can get together to have a chat, bung some die and push toy soldiers around:)

Jim Walkley said...

Very interesting Keith. Something diverted me from SYW to Napoleonics - now what was it? The Acoustic Shadows appeals as it is within my resources to play and, perhaps strangely, would be suitable for a solo game - if I can shake off this wargaming ennui. I must catch up on the HoW forum.
Stay well and best wishes.

Neil said...

Looks great!

Amtmann B. said...

Thank you for writing about my scenario. It's a shame that our scenarios are visible only for those which signed up in the HoW-forum. However step by step at least my scenarios will be visible by every new after game report I'm posting on my own blog.


Glasgow Warhog said...

looks great

Dindin said...

Hi Keith!
It is a honor to see that this scenario gets a good appreciation!
I will be glad to see it played, the confinement has restricted us a lot, I would like to give it a try, of course! I'm eager to see this game posted by a fellow player and have a feedback how it went!