In preparation for publication on the 20th of November, I have now opened a modest website for the Honours of War rules. It is quite basic as websites go, being mainly a forum with a few pages of additional content attached. Check it out at
A recent photo of a real game of HoW. Guaranteed not posed. |
I think in this day and age a bit of online support is appropriate for a new set of rules. There are of course any number of forums already out there (notably TMP) on which the rules can be discussed, and perhaps will be. But I wanted the main interaction on the rules to take place on ground of my own choosing, as it were. There we can keep things polite and suitably highbrow.
The Yahoo group has been a great facility for getting input from playtesters, but I felt a proper forum would make things easier and better for users, as well as being a more attractive and welcoming environment. The Yahoo group will close in a couple of weeks, so take advantage of any of the downloads while you can. I hope all the valued participants on Yahoo will move over to the forum, and that the atmosphere of well-mannered but honest and open discussion will gravitate to the new location.
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A sample page. Thanks to Phil Smith at Osprey for providing copyright content. |
This month's Miniature Wargames (391) contains a nice positive review of the rules, for which I am most grateful. It seems that some current users are already plotting to extend the rules to other conflicts of the 18th century, which sounds like fun.
Publication date remains the 20th of November. Not long now!
I have joined the new site and also ordered your rule book. I look forward to trying them out.
Thanks Robbie. Hope you like the rules. When the time comes, any feedback would be very welcome.
Really nice rules you have developed Keith! I had my first test game during the weekend, will post some pictures at my blog during the day and a review as soon as possible, but think I will try to have some more games first.
Greate with a dedicated webpage for the rules.
Best regards Michael
Looking forward with great anticipation to the release of the rules.
Hi Keith,
I bought the rules at the Crisis Show in Antwerp last Saturday. An Impulse purchase really, I thought the book looked quite nice, well produced with a Handy Format, so I thought "I'll take one!"
Well I am glad I did. I have not played the rules yet but I have been thoroughly enjoying the read. Wiritten in a nice casual and enjoyable way, the book is a real pleasure to read. as soon as I get some time I will give the rules a try. My first thoughts are "very good indeed, looking Forward to playing".
Best regards
Thank you Adrian, you are most kind. I hope the rules fit the bill for you. Let me know how you get on via the website.
Cheers, Keith.
Just started playing HoW, using a combo of old Risk figures plus Pendraken minis.
Moved to HoW from Hollandspiele’s H&M series.
Simple but not simplistic. Captures the era, and FUN.
In the spirit of Mr. Featherstone - a game to be enjoyed.
Looks like Wargames Vault is getting push back on the price of the downloadable version of your rules.and I agree. if II want to buy your rules to give them a run through I either pay $70.00 Canadian to have them mailed from Caliver or $35.00 Canadian for a download from Wargames Vault, which is the highest download price I’ve seen for a wargaming product. The physical copy price is understandable given the high cost of postage, but the download price is ridiculous and will, in my opinion, seriously damage sales. I know that I will be joining the aforementioned push backers and not be giving the rules a trial. Too bad, since I like and play Honours of War.
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