Friday 15 July 2022

Waterloo 2022 with 'Shadow of the Eagles'

Last Sunday I had the great pleasure of organising and presenting a re-fight of Waterloo at my local community centre. I won't say much here, but a very enjoyable day was had. For a full report, see my post on the Shadow of the Eagles blog:

Hougomont under attack. The chateau and orchard are held by British Guards battalions,
whilst Brunswick reinforcements arrive via the famous North Gate.

I hope you enjoy the account! 


  1. Hugely enjoyed the visual and the game outline - thanks.

  2. Couldn't manage to comment on the forum blog for some reason.

    It may have been 'minimum effort' but still quite a bit of organisation on your part. As usual 'your' game may not be model railway terrain standard but was still impressive - what I would call a proper wargame. Really enjoyed the pictures.

  3. Thanks Jim. Apologies for the website - it can be a bit glitchy at times. Refreshing the page usually does the trick, but I've had issues with the 'comments' function myself.
