Thursday 24 September 2020

Cotswold Wargaming Day Cancelled

Just the briefest of posts to announce the demise of this year's Cotswold Wargaming Day, which was to be held on October 18th. Just another casualty of Covid 19 I'm afraid. 

I'm hoping to try again in Spring 2021. Let's hope things are looking up by then.

Wargaming has been on the back burner recently, due to a tough time at work and a house move. Normal service will be resumed shortly.

'Til next time!


  1. Isn’t moving supposed to be one of the trio of most stressful events? The others being bereavement and divorce. Certainly its no small matter to relocate , especially with the background of stress provided by the virus. Best get back to some escapism with the little lead legions as soon as possible!

    All the best

  2. That must be disappointing for you Keith - lets hope it works out for next year.

    Good luck with the move - it doesn't seem that long since your last. Glad I don't expect to go through that again.

    Best wishes. Jim

  3. Thanks guys. This will be our last move - or at least that's the intention!

    Roy - will be in touch soon.

  4. I hope you can go ahead with the gaming day next spring, at least. How has your job been affected by 'the current situation'? I assume that despite there being a lot fewer flights, the air transport infrastructure has to keep going - presumably cargo flights are still going, for example?

  5. That's a shame Keith, but fully understand.
    Looking forward to the Spring, imagine how many more toys we can get on the table.

  6. David - as I work (or used to work) at a GA airport (Oxford), we returned to normal movements after full lockdown was eased. Flight training, helicopters and private jets. For regional and international airports, you're just about right. Slowly picking up but a very uncertain future.
    I am now retired, as of last week. I should update my profile!

  7. Congratulations on your retirement Keith, same here as of this Monday, a combination of redundancy/retirement in my case. I keep asking Mrs Airhead what day of the week it is! I’m sure I’ll get the hang of it!

    All the best

  8. Ah well Keith, retirement - what every wargamer longs for so I am very pleased for you and I hope it is what you want and not forced into. Please keep in touch as you are such a great inspiration, and let me know your new address. Good Luck with the move.
